“Alternative Leadership”, the basis for Barbados’ newest Political Party: the CBL

“Alternative Leadership”, the basis for Barbados’ newest Political Party: the CBL

Barbados has had its share of Independents jousting in General Elections over the decades and its parade of minority opposition movements like Dr Richie Haynes’ short-lived National Democratic Party, or Grenville Phillips II’s ephemeral Solutions Barbados or the vindictive United Progressive Party are still relatively fresh in the minds of a possibly cynical clique of ballot casters.

Such movements under the right concepts could’ve carried this country forward, Grenada had 7 political parties at one point, while Israel has 13 including the Likud movement which seems more rejuvenative than a proverbial cockroach.

The USA itself had Ross Perot in 1992 who actually seemed very close to making a difference until he yanked the rug from under himself… Was he bought or threatened?

Canada and the UK seem to have had better luck with 3rd alternatives, yet even their own countrymen doubted their efficacy.

The Liberal Democrats (sought) to break the two-party duopoly of Labour and the Conservatives, he said, and end the “pass the parcel” electoral system by increasing their share of the vote to 33% from the 22.1% received in 2005.

Nick Clegg of the Lib Dems surprised many Brits 14 years ago when their Kingmaker status became reality, over in Canada their NDP did it twice with the late Jack Layton in 2011 then again in 2021…

A former criminal defence lawyer, (Jagmeet Singh) moved into Ontario provincial politics in 2011, where he made a name for himself by pushing policies on increasing police accountability. Then, just six years later aged 38, he made the leap to the federal stage by decisively winning an NDP leadership race. 

This is where the Conservative Barbados Leadership Party (CBL) is seeking to draw the line, their Vice President Anthony Hinds made it clear in his view, they’re no Minority Opposition movement, instead, they should be considered as Alternative Leadership.

Their launch was held in their legal chambers at the corner of Peterkin and Strathclyde, the CBL's President Corey Beckles (3rd from Right, in glasses) and their VP Anthony Hinds (2nd from Right with locs drawn back) looked at how the last election victory was not simply voter apathy, but people wanting their vote to make a difference, then those choices showing positive results once placed in office...
Their launch was held in their legal chambers at the corner of Peterkin and Strathclyde, the CBL’s President Corey Beckles (3rd from Right, in glasses) and their VP Anthony Hinds (2nd from Right with locs drawn back) looked at how the last election victory was not simply voter apathy, but people wanting their vote to make a difference, then those choices showing positive results once placed in office…

In this video, they also look at the possibility of introducing Questions for sitting MP’s like Canada and the UK.

The official colour for the CBL is Purple, and they expect to announce a full slate of candidates and their Manifesto by either the end of February or March this year. VP Hinds said many CV’s were submitted but they asked for no public disclosure yet for fear of their careers – he took a dim view of this alarm under the current dispensation, he says the quest for democracy is just that and not an opportunity for victimisation.

Adamantly reinforcing their mantra how they're not an Opposition Party, rather a Proposition Party - they also noted how ElderCare Legislation they proposed in early 2023 to the ruling Mottley Administration has subsequently been adopted by the People Empowerment Ministry, using chunks of it with their own intended papers to lay before the House of Assembly.
Adamantly reinforcing their mantra how they’re not an Opposition Party, rather a Proposition Party – they also noted how ElderCare Legislation they proposed in early 2023 to the ruling Mottley Administration has subsequently been adopted by the People Empowerment Ministry, using chunks of it with their own intended papers to lay before the House of Assembly.

This was noted by the CBL’s Vice President Anthony Hinds, who also noted Security at Schools was approached by them recently and although Minister Kay McConney never officially replied, they realised swathes of their original document was put forward to the public as if the Education Ministry created it from whole cloth.

In this video, the Bajan Reporter asked about 3 major topics on the minds of Barbadians at this moment – Crime, World Bank & IMF Loans as well as the state of roads across the country.

Also present for this media briefing was Assistant VP Alan Springer who Shadows the portfolio of Culture (we can only hope he’s mellowed since knee-stepping with Joseph Atherley and attempting to repudiate the character of Bajan Reporter in its Facebook group a while back), reporters also met the CBL’s General Secretary Shannon Gonsalves who’s a certified microbiologist – she also Shadows Health, Education & Food Security as well as their Assistant Gen. Scty. Elvis Corbin who’s also their 2nd Official Spokesperson and Shadows the portfolios of Airport, Prisons and Government Schools.

The CBL is yet to reveal if their movement has an official motto, slogan, or mission and vision statements – possibly this will be made clear at dispensation of their Manifesto and the line-up of Candidates…

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2 responses to ““Alternative Leadership”, the basis for Barbados’ newest Political Party: the CBL”

  1. Alan Springer Avatar
    Alan Springer

    Knee-stepping? Hardly. Mellowed? Definitely not. “Attempting to repudiate?” Not quite, character is established or repudiated according to one’s own performance, but if The Bajan Reporter is already showing some concern at the thought of tangling with me, then best not to start what you won’t be able to finish. Meanwhile, I’m here minding my own business. Till we meet x

  2. AirBourne Avatar

    LOL Completely unsurprised, ah well…

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