10 newworldinmyview

Southern Vampire Series: TV-Eric Vs. Book-Eric, Huge Difference! Werewolves now enter the fray, look out in HBO’s season 3 come June… {ATTN: SPOILERS}

Southern Vampire Series: TV-Eric Vs. Book-Eric, Huge Difference! Werewolves now enter the fray, look out in HBO’s season 3 come June… {ATTN: SPOILERS}

10 newworldinmyview

For those Barbadians who follow “True Blood” on HBO, the series is very true to the books except for minor variances (Lafayette stays dead in Book 2)… Bill is abducted in the book series but in Season 2 of True Blood, Bill the Southern Vampire breaks away from his maker Lorena through Lorena’s maker, Godric – the oldest vampire of all, who orders her to leave his coven {on TV}.

Lafayette: On HBO still with us, gone since Book 2
Lafayette: On HBO still with us, gone since Book 2

In Book 3, Bill is also abducted – but it is by the King of Mississippi and as they know Eric {Sheriff of District 5, incl. of Louisiana and Bill’s boss}, then it means a diversion by way of Alcide Herveaux, son of a Construction Magnate, and also… A Werewolf. Werewolves consider themselves the creme de la creme of Shapeshifters, they feel only they themselves can be called Were and all others are two-formed.

Bill & Sookie: Happier Times
Bill & Sookie: Happier Times

Bill is in love with Sookie, the telepathic waitress of Bon Temp’s Merlotte’s bar, but Eric is in lust with Sookie, and now Alcide is in the mix, where does he fit? Alcide just broke off with Debbie Pelt (shapeshifting lynx), and so he appears open for opportunities… Much to Debbie’s chagrin, she exhibits a typical relationship dynamic – she ditched Alcide for a richer and allegedly more fertile two-formed (an owl) but is vex that Herveaux has appeared to have recovered with Sookie as a date (she’s really in this Vampire/Were bar called Club Dead searching for clues on Bill).

I won’t give away too much on the third book in the series since many still await HBO by June 13 for more True Blood, and come May there is even a tenth novel due out! But what I notice is a sharp dichotomy between Eric of TV and Eric in the books – Eric on TV is very sly in his lust for the telepathic waitress, whereas Eric of the pages is very open in his desire for Bon Temp’s most popular resident.

The couple many Barbadians want to see happen - Eric & Sookie
The couple many Barbadians want to see happen – Eric & Sookie

A Werewolf observes Sookie’s cleavage and comments on it bluntly, which earns a Vampire-speed slap from Northman. “Be careful what you say, you are referring to my future lover,” is what the Viking admonishes a Werewolf he’s interrogating, this Were is one of a pack who tried to kidnap Sookie.

In the 4th book, Eric finally gets what he wants but he does not know it, as he’s under an amnesia Spell from a very nasty coven of Witches. These magicians are Weres, drink Vampire blood and use spells for personal gain despite any collateral damage. While this is happening, Sookie’s brother – Jason Stackhouse has disappeared and no-one can figure it out despite dragging the swamp and searching a forest.

Now, the coven wants possession of Eric’s bar Fangtasia, and they’re not too particular how it’s done. It leads to an all-out war of Wiccans (different from the villains), Weres, Vampires against the ultra-Witches. In between, Sookie gives harbour to Eric so the Witches do not locate the 1,000 year old vampire and compromise him against his own people.

This hiding leads to mind-wiped Eric falling for Sookie, not as arrogant Eric but another Eric altogether, one who respects Sookie and wishes to make time spent with her a special occasion all the time. Sookie by the time book 4 is over, almost doesn’t want Eric’s memory restored since this version is so much what every woman expects from a man.

Alexander Skarsgaard as Eric Northman
Alexander Skarsgaard as Eric Northman

Eric saves Sookie from an unexpected attack after the Witches were controlled, but by the next day he’s back to normal and has no recollection of their passionate moments at all. Eventually, Sookie locates her brother Jason and learns all of why he vanished and it seems that by independent accident, both her brother and Eric use the same excuse for their disappearance without realising the other had the same excuse – which is, they cannot recall a thing! Naturally this creates a rift with Bon Temps Police, but their hands are officially tied from any further investigation.

However, I can tell you Life is not the same for Jason Stackhouse and there’ll be more on that when we glance at books 5 and 6!

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One response to “Southern Vampire Series: TV-Eric Vs. Book-Eric, Huge Difference! Werewolves now enter the fray, look out in HBO’s season 3 come June… {ATTN: SPOILERS}”

  1. Devin Huckabay Avatar
    Devin Huckabay

    Great Post, thanks for your great Post. I will come back later , Also great information about vampires: female vampire art

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