72nd BLP 011

Directionless Barbados Labour Party heading aground as Leadership issues remain unsettled – Whither Elders? New party in offing?

Directionless Barbados Labour Party heading aground as Leadership issues remain unsettled – Whither Elders? New party in offing?

72nd BLP 011

`Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?” queried Alice.

`That depends a good deal on where you want to get to,’ said the Cat.

`‘ said Alice.

`Then it doesn’t matter which way you go,’ said the Cat.

`--so long as I get somewhere,’ Alice added as an explanation.

`Oh, you’re sure to do that,’ said the Cat, `if you only walk long enough.’

  • Classic “” from Lewis Carroll/Chas. Lutwidge Dodson
Have iPad, will Travel – Mia Mottley armed with the latest in Technology chooses to sit with the Media at Sunday's address at Deighton Griffith Secondary by Owen S. Arthur to a still large throng

Which pretty much thumbnailed the conclusion of the BLP’s 72nd Annual General Conference as well as the speech from Owen Arthur, Political Leader and Opposition Leader. His address that Sunday was given its requisite applause but not a thunderous standing ovation, for my part, the delivery was more appropriate as a General Election rallying cry for new voters in a questionable district rather than reassuring fellow members of the Congregation that the Choir indeed has one Voice.

A longtime supporter confided in me that Saturday had far more people than Sunday since they were expecting for mottley to be Chairman as well as in the Shadow cabinet and Deputy Opposition leader and many left in anger vowing either not to renew their membership or consider switching allegiances

If you peep at Barbados Free Press, there are some juicy revelations which have a significant bearing on where is the Party going? Arthur says the BLP needs Mottley, yet he seeks to indirectly chide her for not recognising a milestone in his career {CLICK ON FOLLOWING LINK FOR FULL AUDIO};-

Arthur calls for healing yet suggests Mia should have made a simple gesture of observing the 25th Anniversary of his St Peter By-Election Victory (which many claim only happened as Tom ate the vote in the first round of balloting)

There in a red & white striped shirt to our right is Clyde Mascoll in specs, also victim of "A Palace Coup," but in his case since he lacks the charisma of either Oewen or Mia chose to switch sides instead of stick it out – and if he waited he'd now be in the post he coveted for so long…

I made it my business to consult certain stalwarts who objected to Arthur’s call for fealty – as they saw it – under condition of anonymity; they said not even 2009 but since 2008, Mia was to have a pre-lead in to his 25th Anniversary in Politics, Mottley arranged to purchase an appropriate and elegant gift to be presented by Ralph Gonsalves of St Vincent, yet Arthur makes it his business to fly to England overlapping the presentation period so as to spend time with Donville Johnson, the DLP supporter who assisted the late David Thompson in his initial foray into acquiring the parish of St John as a seat for the Dems.

Sounds like Olive Branches were in short supply even back then, huh? So much for healing and carrying the BLP forward, eh? If you benchmark and place an Anniversary on every single accomplishment of either Party, Dems or Bees, and made it mandatory for observation and celebration by all & sundry then nothing would get done, so get over it, you had your chance and you ignored the original gesture, according to sources who know better…

Also in attendance were British High Commissioner Paul Brummell and Stella, Lady St John – widow to Barbados' shortest serving Prime Minister; Sir Harold "Bree" St John (March 1985 to May 1986)

I also have to add that I was looking to see what other bits and pieces I could cull from Arthur’s speech for this item and that is why this item is late, since I heard much of it on their campaign trails earlier this year, therefore it was tedious and I fell asleep… The same rants of how he and BLP left 2.8 billion in reserves and it’s now down to 244 million, and how the Dem’s Constituency Councils waste taxpayer’s money and where the report can be found in Hansard, etceterah-etceterah-etceterah as the late Yul Brynner would tell Deborah Kerr’s ‘Mrs Anna.’

When the Intermission happened before the Resolutions which ended up in dissolution, , I decided to stroll out on the lawn of Deighton Griffith Secondary – I felt like I was plotting the Mason-Dixon line! I clearly overheard folks tell others where they should eat based on how they’re support is, and when I finally sussed who was which side, if it was a map – then O’s are one side and M’s are another! Quo Vadis the Elders?

Even if a Printer broke down, there are at least 7,000 members of the BLP – you mean you can'tget at least 3 to bring spare Printers for Emergency? At a school over the weekend? Perhaps it's just me…

If any resolution needs to be set forth is one establishing criteria as to what makes an Elder and when they are invoked to settle disputes of the level of Chairman, General Secretary and Opposition Leader – perhaps with a referendum of 2/3’s of the Party calling for them to either Veto or Condone the post in dispute. Also to look at is what makes an Elder?Another resolution has to concern the matter of Delegates, rather than one delegate represents ten members… Look at One Vote to One Member but each voting member must be 18 & over and have been a member for at least, say 18 months before before being allowed the privilege to have a say in Party matters.

Those kinds of proposals have to be decided on quickly before the BLP  breaks into full Civil War and another new faction is called for, many Mia supporters are openly suggesting there be a real new Threat on the political landscape with some even going so far as to suggest alternative methods of generating finances for such a new movement were it to become a reality… Approaching and inculcating the Hindu/Islamic Communities, approach small businesses and building a grassroots approach of subscriptions similar to how B. H. Obama, 44th POTUS, got his machinery moving (He still has funds left in hisWar Chest,BTW-FYI) are all touted by Mia supporters who bear a strong similarity to Obama’s by way of demographics – the younger and older members of the BLP, while the median curve leans towards Arthur, apart from the offshore community who behave as if Arthur is second only to sliced bread.

I don't know if it's coincidence, but I am sure Mr Arthur has seen my articles, so when he saw me Sunday taking pics it was the same time he had a slight hesitation in his speech, but that could also be my imagination?

This last part is sad since Owen’s speech over the weekend was a melange of the following – A call for healing within the BLP (With no suggestions how to do it)/ Mia is important to BLP’s success (Yet still no mention of Shadow Cabinet, only a suggestion that the candidate for the St John by-election is to be announced this week)/ DLP has not a clue on Finances (No solutions brought to the table unlike at the Chamber of Commerce in late September at Hilton Barbados)… Ho-Hum, next???

gave a cautionary statement on Power over a Century ago, but he left off the fact – once tasted by those who wield it, is probably more addictive than Sex, Cocaine, Marijuana, Tobacco or any form of alcohol from Pinot Noir to Bacardi or Mount Gay Silver. Many will do much to regain it, some relive it by holding lectures and/or writing books, while others may seek Office again where their Constitutions allow.

Oz realised a little too late when you do not have the ability to back your claims then the consequences can be dangerous…

These grandstanding Postures from Mr Arthur have as much substance as dew on a plant at 2 o’clock in the afternoon on a bright day with no clouds, it also reminds me of Frank L. Baum, and so I conclude with the famous part of “” and the emphases are all mine, including the one in red;-

Presently they heard a solemn Voice, that seemed to come from somewhere near the top of the great dome, and it said:

I am Oz, the Great and Terrible. Why do you seek me?

They looked again in every part of the room, and then, seeing no one, Dorothy asked, “Where are you?
I am everywhere,” answered the Voice, “but to the eyes of common mortals I am invisible. I will now seat myself upon my throne, that you may converse with me.” Indeed, the Voice seemed just then to come straight from the throne itself; so they walked toward it and stood in a row…

You’ve had plenty of time already,” said the Tin Woodman angrily.

We shan’t wait a day longer,” said the Scarecrow.

You must keep your promises to us!” exclaimed Dorothy.

The Lion thought it might be as well to frighten the Wizard, so he gave a large, loud roar, which was so fierce and dreadful that Toto jumped away from him in alarm and tipped over the screen that stood in a corner. As it fell with a crash they looked that way, and the next moment all of them were filled with wonder. For they saw, standing in just the spot the screen had hidden, a little old man, with a bald head and a wrinkled face, who seemed to be as much surprised as they were. The Tin Woodman, raising his axe, rushed toward the little man and cried out, “

I am Oz, the Great and Terrible,” said the little man, in a trembling voice. “But don’t strike me–please don’t–and I’ll do anything you want me to.”

Our friends looked at him in surprise and dismay.

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