Unemployed Advocate staff wait for outstanding monies, while Fontabelle complex is spruced up? Calling on all lumps of coal!

Unemployed Advocate staff wait for outstanding monies, while Fontabelle complex is spruced up? Calling on all lumps of coal!

It would seem Action and its Executive are choosing to excise Charles Dickens from their library. Or else surely the warnings from the loose jawed Jacob Marley would resonate with their so called ephemeral essences that once harbored their consciences?

Just a few weeks ago, a mattress was here, yet the cleaners hired cost how much?
Just a few weeks ago, a paro’s mattress was here, yet the cleaners hired cost how much?

Advocate employees hoping for some kind of Ham or Jug Jug for Christmas were denied such dreams while money was spent to remove the traces of garbage and detritus left by vagrants, addicts or possibly both.

A pram was abandoned here, yet how many reporters took baby steps with their first articles here? Nation founder Harold Hoyte was an alumnus for sure, his first edition had a baby on it too...
A pram was abandoned here, yet how many reporters took baby steps with their first articles here? Nation founder Harold Hoyte was an alumnus for sure, his first edition had a baby on it too…

An institution that is 129 years old with archives we cannot possibly recall, left to disintegrate. This as people who shed their toil, blood and sweat shed new tears as no recompense for their years of due diligence especially when needed most at Yuletide. Staff are due money and a building is becoming derelict, but let’s clean up the rear parking lot instead?

You can sweep the dirt and the carpet away, but it doesn’t hide the fact so many staff from the Advocate were left twisting in the wind. Some have been forced to engage other careers they may not truly adore, because what they really miss were the daily strategy sessions and crafting stories to build a country.

Not paying them even for Christmas or New Year’s, yet having the grounds professionally cleaned is nothing less than heinous hypocrisy – such that even Trump or Musk may find questionable and surely Santa would want to dump more than lumps of coal at their collective feet.

Perhaps Father Christmas or Krampus should give Senokot to Rudolph and the other eight coursers when flying over certain residences?

Yet when it came to doing the right thing by this company, any Action towards the entity or its people seems either misguided. non-existent or both. Apparently the parking lot was not the only thing taken to the cleaners, just ask the workers if you dare…

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