Dr. Daisley brings a wealth of wisdom and leadership experience, contributing to a diverse tapestry of collaboration and cultural awareness. His time spent in South America adds a unique dimension, bridging the Asia diaspora with the Caribbean and Latin American region.

Barbadian Envoy Appointed Dean of Tourism and Dean of Culture at Indonesian University

Barbadian Envoy Appointed Dean of Tourism and Dean of Culture at Indonesian University

Dr. Daisley brings a wealth of wisdom and leadership experience, contributing to a diverse tapestry of collaboration and cultural awareness. His time spent in South America adds a unique dimension, bridging the Asia diaspora with the Caribbean and Latin American region.

Shri Pakubuwono X International University and the Surakarta Institute of Art and Culture Science (PDKS) proudly announce the appointment of Professor Dr. Adrian Daisley as the Dean of Tourism International Relations and the Dean of Culture. This appointment follows the recent celebration of the second anniversary of the renowned World Intellectual Figure, KRMB KMA Hadiningrat of the House of Lords PDKS Shri Pakubuwono X.

Professor Daisley, a distinguished leader of skills development soft diplomacy culture and language and thought leader from Barbados, who brings a wealth of experience and a global perspective to his new roles. His extensive background in International relatons, coaching, training and leadership, and personal development studies positions him as an ideal complement to the university’s dynamic faculty of humanitarian leaders from around the world.

In his capacity as Dean of Tourism International Relations, Professor Daisley will spearhead initiatives aimed at fostering global partnerships and enhancing the university’s engagement with international tourism stakeholders.

As Dean of Culture, he will champion the integration of cultural education and awareness within the university's curriculum, promoting the rich expressions of global cultures and making meaningful links to promote intercultural dialogue.
As Dean of Culture, he will champion the integration of cultural education and awareness within the university’s curriculum, promoting the rich expressions of global cultures and making meaningful links to promote intercultural dialogue.

We are thrilled to welcome Professor Daisley to our leadership team,” said a spokesperson for Shri Pakubuwono X International University. “His expertise and vision will undoubtedly enrich our programs and strengthen our commitment to developing global citizens equipped to address the challenges of our time.”

Professor Daisley expressed his gratitude for the opportunity, stating, “I am honored to join Shri Pakubuwono X International University and the Surakarta Institute of Art and Culture Science. Together with the Creator’s guidance and favor, we will work to cultivate a deeper understanding language arts and culture’s role in fostering global exchange and enhancing international relations.”

This appointment marks a significant step forward in the university’s mission to advance education, culture, and tourism on a global scale, reinforcing its commitment to producing innovative leaders in the fields of tourism and cultural studies.

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