Bridgetown US Embassy hosts Summer Soirée Networking Event at Las Cibeles

Bridgetown US Embassy hosts Summer Soirée Networking Event at Las Cibeles

There’s a new Ambassador from the United States in town and it shows, some ways good and vast room for improvement in others, this article will examine them… Roger Nyhus became envoy to Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean in January this year, and many were surprised of no 4th of July bash in Wildey. Usually, new staff at their Embassy start calling media houses about 2 weeks after they arrive.

The current envoy replaces the long standing Linda Tagliatela who served three terms, highly unusual for career diplomats but a testament to her ability to wade through Caribbean politics.

However, they decided to have a Summer Soiree instead, and it was held at their official resodence of Las Cibeles (which is behind Limegrove, kind of). Since it was quite a while I’ve been there (under Dr Larry Palmer as I recollect), I was expecting a map from the new Embassy staff, nothing happened, so instead I had to dig up in one of my Gmail accounts for a map from 2009 when Obama was inaugurating (I think). Got a bit lost and ended up later than I intended…

Honestly when Ambassador Nyhus asked “What does Freedom mean to you?” I automatically thought of Jeff Daniels in HBO’s The Newsroom with his classic and brutal response to a young sorority girl. But equally quickly, my mind automatically framed a response… “Why don’t you ask a Palestinian?” However, I had no wish to end up being like Jazzy Jeff in early days of the Fresh Prince of Bel Air

Other popular Bajans attending the Summer Soiree included TV personality Mark Anthony and Mornin' Barbados host Teshia Hinds.
Other popular Bajans attending the Summer Soiree included TV personality Mark Anthony and Mornin’ Barbados host Teshia Hinds.

The waiting staff at Las Cibeles were quick to serve what they deemed were VIP’s (like Sir Paul Altman who owns Limegrove nearby) while us mere mortals had to wait, ended up getting like two burger sliders, one bean dip with a tortilla chip and plenty cheesecake – when the sweet stuff arrives, that’s usally the signal things are about to conclude for the night! Only the drinks were fair game in the patio and on the lawn… I ended up passing at Chefette on the way home for a Thrift box as we have family in, just as well I guess…

Public Affairs Officer for the Bridgetown US Embassy, Donald Maynard
Public Affairs Officer for the Bridgetown US Embassy, Donald Maynard

I must indicate as a point of comparison, the UK High Commission when they’re hosting shindigs at Ben Mar near Erdiston Teachers’ Training College is a completely different ball game. Everyone is attended to equally, for people who are hung up on Royalty they are far more democratic in terms of snacks and beverages. Everyone gets treated as though ALL are important – distribution of their shrimp, fried spring rolls or other delicacies of the night, from waiting staff who emerge from nowhere to not only take up your used glass but ask if you wish another?

However, Ambassador Nyhus is new to Barbados and probably his staff too, at least I presume this benefit of the doubt. There’s always November for a potential watch party, do I dare hope? LOL!

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