While we had some hopes for our Olympians at the Paris Olympics, we expected Sada to return with Olympic metal. She is a good 400 m sprinter who keeps improving – but in the Olympic final, others ran faster. We honour her for being the seventh fastest woman among all nations who participated in that race. But medalling can do more to market Barbados.
We proudly put a marketing poster at the Airport showing Sada, because of our high expectations. We did not have posters of our other Olympians at the Airport – likely also due to our expectations. To enhance our destination marketing efforts, we need international champions.
We have champions who successfully compete internationally – Suki King and Jack Francis. They are recognised internationally, but not by those who market Barbados. Perhaps it is time to ask why? We already know why but discussing it is a difficult conversation.
The youthful and elegant Sada is a striking contrast to Suki and Jack whose appearances do not disguise the distances they have travelled this earth. Suki and Jack are national treasures that any competent marketer can use to market Barbados. That they have not been used in this manner does more to describe our marketers. That they must behave like mendicants before every international tournament is a national disgrace – we do not deserve them.
Once again, we want a 4-year plan to get an Olympic medal. Why keep doing what does not work? Why not stop and think? The simple answer is that thinking may be interpreted as doing nothing and politically, that accusation must be avoided. Therefore, money must be spent on proven failed initiatives to give the appearance that something is being done.
An achievable plan addresses an athlete’s: (i) incentive (ii) discipline, (iii) support system and (iv) coaching. The incentive must be sufficiently rewarding so that the athlete can maintain the level of discipline necessary over 4 years. The support system must offer consistent and meaningful support that encourages the athlete to maintain a high level of discipline during the inevitable times of despair.
The coaching should be complete. There should be safe and effective exercises that are designed to improve: (i) reaction time, (ii) body-eye coordination, (iii) strength, (iv) speed, (v) breathing, (vi) strategy, (vii) nutrition and (viii) recovery. If there is no measurable improvement, then the coaching team is likely deficient and needs proper training or replacement.
Athletes whose performance would have qualified them for a final in the 2024 Olympics should receive $20,000 and each member of their support system should equally share $20,000.
An athlete who earns a bronze medal should receive $150,000, and their support system should share $150,000. The recipient of a silver medal should receive $200,000, and their support system should share the same amount. The winner of a gold medal should receive $250,000, and their support system should share the same amount.
Support systems may include: family, friends, sports clubs, churches, blocks, community groups and schools. Therefore, both the athletes and their supporting systems have incentives to maintain a high level of meaningful commitment for the 4-year duration.
This initiative could be a game-changer for Barbados. The benefits to communities in Barbados are significant. Knowledge should be shared among communities because we are not competing against each other, but all other nations. The only things holding us back are our unbelief and the Government claiming that the incentives are unaffordable.
To address our unbelief, we must understand that Olympic metal is achievable because: (i) we are human just like the humans of other countries, and (ii) every human improves with practice. To address the affordability excuse, the Government may provide Crown land of equivalent market value, which the recipients may sell.
- Grenville Phillips II is a Doctor of Engineering and a Chartered Structural Engineer. He can be reached at NextParty246@gmail.com
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