ICH Community drama showcase: I’Z A BAJAN! 

ICH Community drama showcase: I’Z A BAJAN! 

A wide cross-section of Bajans took to the stage this weekend to perform in the National Cultural Foundation’s (NCF) Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) Drama in the Communities Showcase.

ICH Drama group presenting ‘ Everything tun Upside Down’, youth mimicking the actions of the older generation.
ICH Drama group presenting ‘ Everything tun Upside Down’, youth mimicking the actions of the older generation.

The showcase, held on National Heroes Day, Sunday, April 28, at the Daphne Joseph Hackett Theatre, celebrated the achievements of participants from all walks of life who stayed the course of a 10-week training in Drama and Storytelling. 

In February, the NCF welcomed over 160 community participants in the second leg of the ICH Drama in the Communities training programme.

NCF Cultural Officer – Theatre Arts, Janelle Mitchell congratulating Storytelling tutor Yolanda Holder and one of the participants.
NCF Cultural Officer – Theatre Arts, Janelle Mitchell congratulating Storytelling tutor Yolanda Holder and one of the participants.

Children from as young as six-years-old to elders in their 60s shared their skills acquired as beginners in Drama. Under the theme: “I’Z A BAJAN!” groups created pieces that explored Barbadian culture in a fun and exciting way to showcase their knowledge gained in the programme.

The groups were led by talented tutors in Drama: Tiffani Amber Williams, Asiah Shepherd, Carolyn Brathwaite, Telia Williams, and Alicia Edwards; while Kenneth “Jack” Lewis, Yolanda Holder, and Akeem Chandler-Perscod shared their expertise in Storytelling.

On Sunday, the theatre was filled with family and friends, who supported the participants as they showcased pieces based on improvisation exploring themes and familiar characters such as superstition, folk songs, local rum shops, Ninja Man, and Grand Kadooment. Based on the reactions, the showcase was well received by the audience.

Friends and family who came out to support the participants.
Friends and family who came out to support the participants.

The NCF’s Chief Cultural Officer Andrea Wells said it was an enjoyable and engaging evening spent in celebrating theatre skills.

“Barbadians of all ages participated in the developmental ICH programme. Lots of humour and insights on uniquely Barbadian perspectives on a range of topics from village romance to Kadooment!” Wells said.

Young participants in the ICH Drama group showcasing ‘Folk Song Lane’ which featured Ms Mattie and other folk songs.
Young participants in the ICH Drama group showcasing ‘Folk Song Lane’ which featured Ms Mattie and other folk songs.

The Cultural Officer for Theatre Arts, Janelle Mitchell said that she was extremely proud of the participants and tutors.

She added that “the full-house, the congratulatory notes from parents, and the participants’ enthusiasm augured well for the programme as they look to the next phase. We look forward to the continual development of skills via the ICH Drama programme.” Those interested in signing up for ICH training in Drama & Storytelling, can do so by emailing theatre arts officer Mitchell at janelle-mitchelle@ncf.bb or call 430-6644.

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