“Springer Memorial Drill: Srsly?” by Richelle Lavine (On The Scene)

“Springer Memorial Drill: Srsly?” by Richelle Lavine (On The Scene)

Yesterday out of the blue, while running an errand for my dad, I switched the car radio to BRASS TACKS… So, when I switched, the news came on… Now imagine my surprise on hearing about the drill at The Springer Memorial School

(Image Via "Barbados Today") I don't normally vent about these things, but let me say this...... What in the RH I just saw, the videos - students could not walk, uniforms torn, people screaming, teachers taking sick leave... 
(Image Via “Barbados Today”) I don’t normally vent about these things, but let me say this…… What in the RH I just saw, the videos – students could not walk, uniforms torn, people screaming, teachers taking sick leave… 

Now do not get me wrong, that scenario could happen however in this case it was a Simulation! How can the powers that be claim they gave notice on top of that went on National News claiming the after-effects are not as drastic as the students are claiming… 
I watched the video with the mother who said she was frozen at work, and had to compose herself… I said all that to say thisssssss… If you are having a drill to handle this extent of violence, then have counsellors on hand – that is COMMON SENSE!

Now as a mother watching those videos hurt my heart, on top of that, students from the quote-unquote, higher school posting memes… Marked safe from Springer Drill! You see why students would always insult each other because we are allowing this (bad word)! Why didn’t they do the drill at CAWMERE!!!

Richelle Lavine is a multi talented Writer, Journalist, Personal Chef, Teacher and Proud Mother. She is a very diligent and focused individual and when she sets her sights on a project she always exceeds expectations. Sucessfully reporting on the January 19th Election Polls for VOB 92.9, Ms Lavine teaches Primary and Secondary students who are taking both Common Entrance and CSEC.
Richelle Lavine is a multi talented Writer, Journalist, Personal Chef, Teacher and Proud Mother.She is a very diligent and focused individual and when she sets her sights on a project she always exceeds expectations.Sucessfully reporting on the January 19th Election Polls for VOB 92.9, Ms Lavine teaches Primary and Secondary students who are taking both Common Entrance and CSEC.

This is nonsense, yes, I am venting because PTSD and DEPRESSION IS REAL, and these innocent children had no right to go through this for a DRILL… Stupse…. The sad thing is, in a week or less everyone will forget about this, it needs to be pursued to its maximum accountability – not left to die like the IDB questionnaire!

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