Let's rally and send a clear message: END THE GENOCIDE, END THE OCCUPATION, END THE COLONIZATION. #FreePalestine

Palestine anti-apartheid rally in Wildey this weekend!

Palestine anti-apartheid rally in Wildey this weekend!

Let's rally and send a clear message: END THE GENOCIDE, END THE OCCUPATION, END THE COLONIZATION. #FreePalestine

Calling all Barbadians, we must stand firmly for #Freedom, #Justice and an end to #Genocide.

Let's rally and send a clear message: END THE GENOCIDE, END THE OCCUPATION, END THE COLONIZATION. #FreePalestine
Let’s rally and send a clear message: END THE GENOCIDE, END THE OCCUPATION, END THE COLONIZATION. #FreePalestine

In the words of the great Nelson Mandela “We know too well that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians”.

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