I have heard mixed reviews of the product, however - for me the product is working and working a little too good.

“Welcome to a Super Cleanse” by Richelle Lavine (On The Scene)

“Welcome to a Super Cleanse” by Richelle Lavine (On The Scene)

I have heard mixed reviews of the product, however - for me the product is working and working a little too good.

IASO TEA – Welcome to a Super Cleanse!

This is an accurate description of how I felt while taking this product.

First let me extend thanks to Joalann Lesley for gifting me with samples to try….

I made the mixture in my water bottle shook it up and even did a little “Starting my Cleansing Journey dance.”
I then proceeded to start my working day within 45 minutes, I found myself using the facilities to tinkle. However, it was no ordinary tinkle, it felt like a gallon of water was gushing out of my body….

I went back to work and in no less than half hour later I felt that usual tug at my stomach. I was casually walking but then I had to spring knee to chest narrowly making it in time.... 10 sweat FILLED minutes later I was able to walk again!
I went back to work and in no less than half hour later I felt that usual tug at my stomach. I was casually walking but then I had to spring knee to chest narrowly making it in time…. 10 sweat FILLED minutes later I was able to walk again!

This went on for the next couple hours. I made sure to keep hydrated. To be honest, I tinkled even more during the night-time….

Started off fairly decent made the drink and I must say the taste was very palatable.
Started my day got in the car to do a quick errand and again I barely made it back home and in true form… Got to the door and the key would NOT cooperate…
I was in and out mainly urinating. I honestly felt like a cucumber made of more water than anything (LOL)

Day 3
My body started to show signs of lesss bloating I had more energy and my skin was glowing…

In conclusion…

I have heard mixed reviews of the product, however - for me the product is working and working a little too good.
I have heard mixed reviews of the product, however – for me the product is working and working a little too good.

I will post before and after pictures when I have completed the entire month but so far, it is going well… Just no one invite me out until the 21st of September 😉
I fully recommend it, so try it!
Next product I will be using would be the BlossomE
Will keep you guys updated…

  • Richelle Lavine is a multi talented Writer, Journalist, Personal Chef, Teacher and Proud Mother.
    She is a very diligent and focused individual and when she sets her sights on a project, she always exceeds expectations.
    Successfully reporting in the 2022 Election Polls for VOB 92.9, Ms Lavine teaches Primary and Secondary students who are taking both Common Entrance and CSEC.
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