Vauxhall Primary School at Vauxhall, Christ Church, was renamed The Shirley Chisholm Primary School in an elaborate ceremony on a bright and blazing Tuesday afternoon.

She would go on to become the first black woman elected to the US House of Representatives and the first woman to run for the presidency of the USA.

Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley, US Ambassador Linda Taglialatela, Minister of Education Kay McConney and other officials from the ministry headed the list of dignitaries attending the ceremony which also fell victim to the Islandwide power outage and interrupted streaming to overseas guests.

The idea for the renaming Vauxhall Primary was put forward by former student and former resident of Vauxhall, Chad Blackman, who was Barbados’ Ambassador to the United Nations and is now senior advisor to the director general of the International Labour Organisation.

In addition to the renaming, there is the specially designed Shirley Chisholm Memorial Garden, a bust of Chisholm, a unique two-sided mural depicting aspects of her life and a plaque commemorating the occasion. (ORIGINAL TEXT FROM NATION PUBLISHING, EDITED HEAVILY BY THE BAJAN REPORTER FOR MORE DETAILED STORYTELLING)
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