Vaughn’s Road No. 2 in St. Joseph will be the second road to be repaired under the Scotland District Road Rehabilitation Project, which is funded by the Export-Import Bank of China (CEXIM). Work is scheduled to commence early next week.
Officials from the Ministry of Transport, Works and Water Resources (MTWW), along with representatives of C.O. Williams Construction Ltd, DLN Consultants, and the team from the China National Complete Plant Import & Export Corporation (Barbados) Ltd. (COMPLANT) toured the St. Joseph district to do a walk through and make any needed final adjustments to the work plan.
Project Manager and Deputy Chief Technical Officer (Operations) with MTWW, Philip Tudor, said the rehabilitation of Vaughn’s Road, which is 660 metres, is expected to take approximately three months. Mr. Tudor stated some sections of the road will be rehabilitated and others will be milled and paved. He added they will be attempting to widen the road to a width of five metres for the entire stretch.
During the walk through it was noted that a section of the retaining wall is leaning, and therefore, measures such as gabions and boulder revetment will be put in place to stabilize it. Drainage issues will also be addressed as part of the rehabilitation project in Vaughan’s Road No. 2.
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