9 New Interns

QEH welcomes nine new Interns

QEH welcomes nine new Interns

9 New Interns

The Director of Medical Services (Ag) of the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Dr. Chaynie Williams just welcomed nine doctors as they commenced their one-year internship programme with the hospital, in partial fulfilment of the requirement to practise Medicine in Barbados.

The doctors will work in the Internal Medicine, General Surgery, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, and Paediatrics Departments during the next 12 months.
The doctors will work in the Internal Medicine, General Surgery, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, and Paediatrics Departments during the next 12 months.

In her address Dr. Williams reminded the Interns to work hard in their respective departments every day.

Before welcoming them into the hospital officially, she prompted the youthful Doctors to utilise the help and assistance that is always nearby citing that “there is always someone to call on to ask a question when needed“.

The doctors were all smiles and appeared ready for the challenge as they proceeded to their assigned departments in the hospital. The QEH embrace them to the profession and wish them a successful and rewarding internship.

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