Smart, whose last known addresses are Harpers Land, Upper Clapham, St. Michael and Block 3B Haynesville, St. James is approximately five feet, seven inches tall, of a brown complexion and with a medium build. He has a round medium shaped head, pointed flat nose, thick lips and a scar in the middle of his forehead.

Narcotics Unit looking for Donnell Smart, have you seen him?

Narcotics Unit looking for Donnell Smart, have you seen him?

Smart, whose last known addresses are Harpers Land, Upper Clapham, St. Michael and Block 3B Haynesville, St. James is approximately five feet, seven inches tall, of a brown complexion and with a medium build. He has a round medium shaped head, pointed flat nose, thick lips and a scar in the middle of his forehead.

78The Barbados Police Service is seeking the assistance of the public in locating Donnell Carl Smart who is wanted for questioning in connection with serious criminal matters.

<strong>Smart</strong>, whose last known addresses are Harpers Land, Upper Clapham, St. Michael and Block 3B Haynesville, St. James is approximately five feet, seven inches tall, of a brown complexion and with a medium build. He has a round medium shaped head, pointed flat nose, thick lips and a scar in the middle of his forehead.
Smart, whose last known addresses are Harpers Land, Upper Clapham, St. Michael and Block 3B Haynesville, St. James is approximately five feet, seven inches tall, of a brown complexion and with a medium build. He has a round medium shaped head, pointed flat nose, thick lips and a scar in the middle of his forehead.

Donnell Carl Smart is advised that he can present himself to the Narcotics Unit, Oistins Police Station, Oistins, Christ Church accompanied by an Attorney-at-Law of his choice.

Any person, who may know the whereabouts of Donnell Carl Smart, is asked to contact the Narcotics Unit, Oistins Police Station, at 418-2626/418-2631, Police Emergency at 211, Crime Stoppers at 1 800-8477 or the nearest police station.

Members of the public are also reminded that it is a serious offence to harbour or assist wanted persons; any person caught committing this offence can and has been prosecuted.

  • Rodney Inniss – Insp;
    Public Affairs & Communications Officer
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