This insane comedy follows four Asian-American friends as they bond and discover the truth of what it means to know and love who you are, while they travel through Asia in search of one of their birth mothers.

JOY RIDE (2023) Stephanie Hsu, Ashley Park: Produced by Seth Rogen

JOY RIDE (2023) Stephanie Hsu, Ashley Park: Produced by Seth Rogen

This insane comedy follows four Asian-American friends as they bond and discover the truth of what it means to know and love who you are, while they travel through Asia in search of one of their birth mothers.
This insane comedy follows four Asian-American friends as they bond and discover the truth of what it means to know and love who you are, while they travel through Asia in search of one of their birth mothers.
This insane comedy follows four Asian-American friends as they bond and discover the truth of what it means to know and love who you are, while they travel through Asia in search of one of their birth mothers.

Director: Adele Lim
Writers: Cherry Chevapravatdumrong, Teresa Hsiao & Adele Lim
Stars: Stephanie Hsu, David Denman & Ashley Park

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