The Radiology Department at the Alexandra Hospital now has a brand-new Philips multislice computerized tomography (CT) scan. The top-of-the-line equipment was commissioned recently, it is seen as a historic moment for healthcare on Nevis.
Mark Brantley, Premier of Nevis and Minister of Health too, was on hand to view the equipment on December 02, 2022, thanked those who made the moment a reality and all those who assisted including representatives of International Medics who installed the machine and provided training.
“This piece of technology will take our ability to diagnose illness and the ability to help our doctors to the next level, and this is something that I feel augurs well for healthcare in Nevis. It is, as I said, the first on the island, and I would want to go on record again to thank the Drahi Foundation for their generous contribution to make this a possibility…
“Thank you to all who have been involved in the process. Mr. Pemberton, here, and his entire team at the hospital. It has been a long road; this machine was stuck in transportation for a long time at the docks in Jamaica so we had to wait but they say good things come to those who wait, and so, here we are and we are truly grateful to you,” he said.
Premier Brantley also expressed his satisfaction with the new equipment.
“Here we have our brand-new CT scan machine a Philips, new technology, 128 slice. It’s the only one of its kind in the Federation. It’s the first for Nevis and we are very, very pleased that this machine has now been commissioned. It’s functional.
“Our experts are here. They have been providing training to our local staff. This will be handled by the Radiology Department here at the Alexandra Hospital. I’m told they’ve already been able to use this machine for a few patients,” he said.

The Minister of Health spoke of his experience, having seen the installed machine for the first time.
“Walking in here, I was overwhelmed because of the technology on display here. I thought that it might be difficult to see that in my lifetime on the island of Nevis, and so I am delighted we have been able to do this. We’ve been able to establish this here for the benefit of our people and for the advancement of healthcare. This certainly takes us to the next level,” he said, adding that “It is available for the people of Nevis, for those in St. Kitts as well and in fact for those of other islands who may want to come and use this facility.
“No more will the people of Nevis have to travel to be able to get a scan, to be able to have their diagnosis confirmed and so for us this is a fantastic development and we’re truly grateful… and so Nevis, I believe this is a beautiful day, a brilliant Christmas gift for the people of Nevis and to the advancement of healthcare here on our island.”
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