IGT Continues Support for The Learning Centre

IGT Continues Support for The Learning Centre Through Computers and More

IGT Continues Support for The Learning Centre Through Computers and More

IGT Continues Support for The Learning Centre

IGT, in association with The Barbados Lottery, recently donated computers and other equipment to the Learning Centre in Orange Hill.

This contribution represented the second phase of equipment donations from IGT. When the facility opened nine years ago, IGT provided advanced technology as part of its After School Advantage (ASA) programme.

The recent donation includes 10 desktop computers, each unit equipped with a monitor, headset, webcam, speaker and mouse, as well as 10 UPS power management devices and a printer with ink. A projector and whiteboard were also installed at the Learning Centre.

IGT Continues Support for The Learning Centre
Kerwin Blackett, Business Operations Supervisor, The Barbados Lottery, presented Principal Arlene Arthur with an ASA lab plaque, certifying that The Learning Centre has been an IGT ASA Partner since 2014. He commented on the long duration of the partnership and the positive impact it continues to have in the community.

“Long-term commitments such as this one are absolutely what our ASA programme aims to achieve. We are pleased to be able to improve access to Information Technology for this community.” Blackett noted.

He also acknowledged the suppliers of the various items – PBS Limited, Colour XL and Do it Best – for their input.

The Learning Centre’s Principal expressed gratitude for the donation and for the ongoing corporate support for the Centre as it serves the needs of learning challenged children from lower income households.

“We remain grateful to IGT for their support and can speak to the tremendous positive impact this programme has in helping the youngsters develop valuable skills and realise their full potential,” she stated.

The Centre serves over 70 such children, some as young as four years old. Several former students have gone on to rewarding careers in different fields.

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One response to “IGT Continues Support for The Learning Centre Through Computers and More”

  1. Overseas Poker Player Avatar
    Overseas Poker Player

    Have they ever sorted out the funny way Mega 6 was won, by a foreigner.

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