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People Empowerment Minister vows full cooperation with UN House

People Empowerment Minister vows full cooperation with UN House

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The Gender Affairs Bureau of the Ministry of People Empowerment and Elder Affairs was in focus at United Nations House in Hastings, Christ Church recently – in a special Lighting Ceremony to celebrate the relaunching of the Partnership for Peace programme.

Minister of People Empowerment & Elder Affairs (MPEA), the Hon. <strong>Kirk Humphrey</strong> addressed a wide cross section of the diplomatic community – including Ambassadors <strong>Yan Xiusheng</strong> and Linda Tagliatela of the Chinese and US Embassies respectively, along with representatives from the British and Canadian High Commissions.
Minister of People Empowerment & Elder Affairs (MPEA), the Hon. Kirk Humphrey addressed a wide cross section of the diplomatic community – including Ambassadors Yan Xiusheng and Linda Tagliatela of the Chinese and US Embassies respectively, along with representatives from the British and Canadian High Commissions.

The MPEA Minister recalled his childhood in the Pine where most residences were headed by single women and visiting men were either boyfriends, fathers, or stepfathers. Mr Humphrey feels the old lifestyle, which had cases of the same women abused by those males, should lead to new conversations to be held with the next generation of Barbadian men so they learn their use of power and ability to control shouldn’t be channelled into aggression against women.

The Minister summed up his contribution by pledging, “I give the assurance now that the Bureau of Gender Affairs and (my Ministry) will work with you tooth and nail, hand in hand until we bring a better society for women in Barbados.”

Also present was Labour Minister, the Hon. <strong>Colin Jordan</strong>, who expressed dissatisfaction at not just how one in three women globally experience domestic violence but how the figures are even higher for the Caribbean. He told those present, “<em>My Ministry is committed to addressing an extremely serious and vexing issue</em>…” Minister Jordan added, “<em>Barbados became the 20<sup>th</sup> country to ratify the ILO’s Violence & Harassment convention scheme 190. Twentieth in the world, second in the Caribbean</em>.”
Also present was Labour Minister, the Hon. Colin Jordan, who expressed dissatisfaction at not just how one in three women globally experience domestic violence but how the figures are even higher for the Caribbean. He told those present, “My Ministry is committed to addressing an extremely serious and vexing issue…” Minister Jordan added, “Barbados became the 20th country to ratify the ILO’s Violence & Harassment convention scheme 190. Twentieth in the world, second in the Caribbean.”

The United Nations’ Resident Coordinator for Barbados & the Eastern Caribbean, Didier Trebucq, confirmed the world body continues to mobilise Member States against Gender Based Violence (GBV).

<strong>Tonni Brodber</strong>, the Representative from UN Women Multi-Country Office (Caribbean), conveyed alarm how so many in this region are largely desensitised to GBV. She praised the EU’s contribution against GBV which was donating 500 million Euro worldwide, especially towards six areas.
Tonni Brodber, the Representative from UN Women Multi-Country Office (Caribbean), conveyed alarm how so many in this region are largely desensitised to GBV. She praised the EU’s contribution against GBV which was donating 500 million Euro worldwide, especially towards six areas.

First in Laws, then Working with Institutions, thirdly for Prevention (behavioural norms), fourth – Law Enforcement & Judiciary, fifth – Reporting of Cases and sixth – Civil Societies.

The evening concluded with a lighting Ceremony of the outer façade of the Hastings complex in orange light, signalling awareness to eradicate GBV and the Relaunch of the Barbados Chapter in Partnership for Peace.

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