On this occasion, the panel will be discussing the topic  "Building Resilience Against Climate Change."

Caribbean Economic Forum (March) “Building Resilience Against Climate Change”

Caribbean Economic Forum (March) “Building Resilience Against Climate Change”

On this occasion, the panel will be discussing the topic  "Building Resilience Against Climate Change."

This year’s Caribbean Economic Forum series begins Thursday 3rd March 2020 at 8:00 p.m.  Moderator David Ellis will be joined by Climate expert Rueanna Haynes, Director of the Climate Analytics Caribbean, Trinidad; Professor Michael Taylor, Dean of the Faculty of Science and Technology, University of the West Indies, Mona, Jamaica and Cletus Springer, Chairman Designate of the Caribbean Natural Resources Institute (CANARI), Trinidad.

On this occasion, the panel will be discussing the topic  <b>"</b><b><i>Building Resilience Against Climate Change.</i></b><b>"</b>
On this occasion, the panel will be discussing the topic  Building Resilience Against Climate Change.
As usual, you can catch this action on CBC TV8, or on the Bank’s Facebook page and YouTube channel.
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