Gas Pump

Price Increase with Kerosene, Diesel & Gas For April

Price Increase with Kerosene, Diesel & Gas For April

Gas Pump

Barbadian consumers will be paying more for petroleum products, effective midnight, .

The retail price of gasoline, diesel, kerosene and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) will increase, in keeping with prices for these products on the international market.

Gasoline will be sold at , an increase of 20 cents; the price of diesel will increase by 14 cents and will cost $2.96 per litre. Kerosene will go up by five cents and will be retailed at $1.23 per litre.

The adjusted price of the LPG 100-lb cylinder will be $144.82; the 25-lb cylinder will cost $41.30; the 22-lb cylinder, $36.51, and the 20-lb cylinder, $33.19.

The last price adjustment for LPG was March 14.

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