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Is it time for Mark #Zuckerberg to feel #Facebook Gaol? More and more #Bajans fed up with the platform, #Telegram is slowly gaining…

Is it time for Mark #Zuckerberg to feel #Facebook Gaol? More and more #Bajans fed up with the platform, #Telegram is slowly gaining…

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“Nearly have had their user IDs, phone numbers and names left in an unsecured database accessible on the Internet for anyone to mine, a security researcher said.” Facebook Data Leak: Personal Info of Nearly 270 Million Users Exposed –

Last year, I was in Facebook jail five times, sounds silly and it is, not in ways you immediately realise. Twice is because I kept forgetting, and still do until last minute, that permissions on WhatsApp are not as prudish on Zuckerberg-ville and what is allowed on the app Facebook initially refused is not necessarily allowed in the Harvard dropout’s communications platform.

So twice for WhatsApp , then another time for using a German phrase to refer to a regional head’s leadership style, the words which were popular in World War 2 got me a month long ban. I was also banned for a video which combined popular songs to the sound effects when people fell or otherwise got clumsy and I was accused of venerating self harm, I sh*t you not!

What is the kicker for that particular video is earlier this year another pal had the same video and NO warning? Well during this comedy of errors, I learned, in a hurry, to create a number of aliases to then promote to Admins for controlling my own Pages and Groups.

That’s because I use them as an adjunct to my advertising base. If you do decide to create aliases, make sure the names are realistic and the birth dates as simple historical clues – like when you lost your first baby tooth or got your driver’s license…

They watch out for false profiles shortly after they ban you, so don't try reversing your birth date and they ask for a cell number, try not to use it unless you have a number they're not familiar with.
They watch out for false profiles shortly after they ban you, so don’t try reversing your birth date and they ask for a cell number, try not to use it unless you have a number they’re not familiar with.

Now I told you of four occasions where I got banned here’s the fifth occasion – I carried a video promoting Amazon’s Picard and was restricted for Copyright Infringement even though I appealed. Thereafter, I made sure when pushing a video with song or a TV series to state “I do not own this video, for Entertainment purposes only.”

I had a WhatsApp video with Beres Hammond music and got a warning, so the paranoia is real! This is why I am pushing a lot now… But my anger is coming forward more now, because it is not only me but at least 6 other occasions where friends have been getting Warnings for petty reasons.

A banker who does not post anything outrageous noted; “I got banned for posting a photo I took with my phone. Said I didn’t have permission to post it. My sunrise, my phone, my photo…. then the went back to 2018 to a post I reposted from Facebook… it all went against their ‘community standards‘”

The times I usually get dropped into the Facebook hoosegow somehow coincide when Barbados is either on Lockdown or Pause
The times I usually get dropped into the Facebook hoosegow somehow coincide when Barbados is either on Lockdown or Pause

Graphic artist who is (was?) an avid FB user from 2004 related: They were threatening to ban me for 30 days for something posted in 2018.

Even my aliases have not remained unscathed, getting a warning for September last year and threatened with dissolution of entire group – even though it doesn’t “belong” to my sobriquet? This year I was initially given a Warning for the video of a hand imitating buttocks and a penis, a deliberate display of humorous perspective allowed in WhatsApp but Facebook sentinels stop it like Trump halts anyone with a Spanish accent.

I appealed the decision and was told it may take longer than my Warning to review, implying I should just accept it. Meanwhile there was a Tweet how Jamaica was using all of their 50.000 vaccines from India and won't be doing like Barbados and giving theirs away. I said Jamaica's cravishness destroyed the Federation, this led now to an All Out Ban, saying I was doing Hate Speech.
I appealed the decision and was told it may take longer than my Warning to review, implying I should just accept it. Meanwhile there was a Tweet how Jamaica was using all of their 50.000 vaccines from India and won’t be doing like Barbados and giving theirs away. I said Jamaica’s cravishness destroyed the Federation, this led now to an All Out Ban, saying I was doing Hate Speech.

That was early February, as the 2nd month was ending, I got an apology for the video and suddenly they reversed the decision and realised I knew Caribbean history better than they did… But, check this? I still couldn’t make comments until March 29th initially, I had to rely on running my Groups and Pages through my personal FB account on a separate mobile or via my aliases on laptop or desktop since they saw other accounts via my initial mobile as the Prime Offender.

Here is the Offending Post from just under 24 Months ago, all of a sudden after I disputed two other decisions and Won!
Here is the Offending Post from just under 24 Months ago, all of a sudden after I disputed two other decisions and Won!

By Tuesday 2nd March my @bajanreporteronline account was allowed to talk again, but still I got a Warning …. for a post I did since 2019? You read it correctly, two years before I started being a hardened inmate!

What has me amazed is what is going to do to himself after being sloppy with hundreds of millions users’ passwords, and other details? So is he trying to make up for lost time?

The jokes don't end there, only a few days later another follower had the same illustration with different text and no Warning?
The jokes don’t end there, only a few days later another follower had the same illustration with different text and no Warning?

The anachronistic ticketing has popped up with at least 6 other users for most of March, I started doing some scouting of alternatives, and learned Telegram is drawing many ex-FB users. It’s worth researching, they’re cloud based, you can send large files like 1.5 GB and you don’t have to give out your number, just have a username.

I got two accounts in case, my main one currently is @AirBourne_Bds and my group is Bajan Reporter Irregulars so if you’re tired of the crap on Zuckerberg-ville and need some like minded folk? You know where to go…

Besides, how good are things going for Facebook now? They ban Trump only after the January 6th Insurrection, when from the time he made fun of a reporter with a disability, he should’ve been called out! Worse, Zuckerberg has an illegal cornering of the Social Media empire with Instagram, WhatsApp and his original milieu.

“() is illegally maintaining its personal social networking monopoly through a years-long course of anti-competitive conduct. Following a lengthy investigation in cooperation with a coalition of attorneys general of 46 states, the District of Columbia, and Guam, the complaint alleges that Facebook has engaged in a systematic strategy…” – FTC Sues Facebook for 09/12/2020

It reminds me of George Orwell’s Animal Farm where Napoleon the pig is in the end no better and in certain ways, WORSE than humans – like when he took loyal Boxer the old stallion and sent him off to the knacker’s for glue, because he questioned where the pigs were going.

What happened in the end? The bucolic animals were made to learn and espouse; TWO LEGS GOOD, FOUR LEGS BAD. The opposite of how those same barnyard creatures when they sought better lives for themselves… We in the Caribbean need many ways to create revenue, other than Tourism, let’s look at making our own Facebook and other social media platforms, as well as developing our own coding or programming and stop selling our birthright!

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