The Barbados Water Authority wishes to inform that its Payment Centre will be closed to the public from Wednesday, February 3rd to Tuesday, February 9th in accordance with the directive given by the Government of Barbados.

- The Royal Bank of Canada (RBC)
- The Bank of Nova Scotia (Scotiabank)
- CIBC First Caribbean International Bank
- Republic Bank (Barbados) Limited
- Barbados Public Workers’ Co-operative Credit Union Limited – Co-Optima Connect and
- SurePay Online
Or? In person at all SurePay outlets. During this time the Authority will continue to respond to emergency burst pipes/mains and to assist residents in areas suffering water outages. Customers can report any emergencies to our Customer Service Centre via the number 434-4292 between 8:30 am and midnight (daily).
The Barbados Water Authority urges our valued customers to practice social distancing, observe all COVID-19 protocols and stay safe.
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