It is assumed that modern Barbados is a two-party (BLP and DLP) state. Our political scientists promote this unverified assumption as fact. Therefore, most Barbadians are convinced that third parties are not viable in modern Barbados.
If that assumption is true, then it does not matter how qualified and accomplished a third-party candidate is, that person can never be elected. The BLP and DLP can both run the carcasses of dead sheep, and be confident that Barbadians are so politically abused, that they will happily elect one of them.
The St George North by-election is an opportunity to test this assumption. Barbadian voters may be relied on to vote for BLP and DLP candidates in a general election, to get their party in power. However, the results of the St George North by-election, will neither change the Prime Minister nor the party in Government.
Voters in St George North have been presented with a wonderful opportunity. They can vote for the person who they believe has the best plans for the constituency, and the capacity to implement them.
The BLP and DLP have had, between them, over 50 years to improve the lives of persons in Barbados – including those in St George North. Yet, many Barbadians are still living hand-to-mouth, and are one paycheck away from poverty.
Solutions Barbados cannot save Barbados at this time. But we can save St George North. St George North voters have a chance to escape their financially vulnerable situation, and show the rest of Barbados how they too can prosper, even in a pandemic.
We have presented our plans for St George North’s prosperity, and our capacity to implement those plans without Government support. This should be the bar for the other Candidates.
If the BLP and DLP present significantly weaker plans, but still get massive support, then third parties may not a viable option in Barbados at this time. The only thing that can frustrate this test, is if the media decides not to give all candidates fair coverage of their plans.
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