She is 5 feet tall, slim, of a dark complexion, has small eyes, a broad forehead, broad nose, normal mouth, thin lips, round chin, large ears each pierced once, a short neck, small hands, long legs, has an erect appearance and a soft voice with a pleasant manner. She is in the habit of frequenting the Fairchild Street bus terminal and Queen's Park, St. Michael.

13 year old from Glebe Land safely located

13 year old from Glebe Land safely located

She is 5 feet tall, slim, of a dark complexion, has small eyes, a broad forehead, broad nose, normal mouth, thin lips, round chin, large ears each pierced once, a short neck, small hands, long legs, has an erect appearance and a soft voice with a pleasant manner. She is in the habit of frequenting the Fairchild Street bus terminal and Queen's Park, St. Michael.
Jamie Latoya Isha Harding from Glebe Land in St George has been found and is now back home.
Jamie Latoya Isha Harding from Glebe Land in St George has been found and is now back home.

The Royal Barbados Police Force appreciate every effort from public and media in tracking this teenager and look forward to similar cooperation in future.

  • Rodney Inniss – Insp. (Ag);
    Public Relations Officer
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