Church of Christ The King Rock Dundo



Church of Christ The King Rock Dundo

The World Day of Prayer local committee is pleased to invite you and your church to join us for the WDP Annual Symposium which will be held at the Basil Ullyett Center, The Christ the King Church, Rock Dundo, St. Michael, from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm.

The ecumenical gathering brings together members of various congregations and different denominations who are desirous of hosting a World Day of Prayer Service the following year. We share on the theme for the upcoming Writer Country; in this case we are celebrating Zimbabwe with their theme of ‘Rise, take up your mat and walk’. During this time the audience learns how to host a World Day of Prayer service, we learn about the Writer Country, we hear a word from the Lord and we form new relationships.

You are also invited to join us in the fight against the injustices of women in Barbados and around the world. As a movement, we do not seek to reinvent the wheel, but to join with other sisters, prayerfully and physically to help bring comfort, show care and encourage them in a positive way of life.

One of the reasons we in Barbados continue do this, in 2007, the International Committee met in Toronto, Canada. One hundred and seventy nine women representing World Day of Prayer Committees, in 95 countries from across the world reflected and approved some Guiding Principles to continue the vision of Informed Prayer and Prayerful Action.

Here are a few of the Guiding Principles:

Being faithful and creative women who strive to be faithful to the texts they received for the worship service, to make heard the voices of women of a different country, while creatively expressing their own responses to the text.

Being a Christian neighbour in a multi-religious world who is called by Jesus Christ to love our neighbours, Christian women seek to live in community with everyone around them including people of other faith traditions.

Moving into responsible action. We encourage responsible action that grows out of the worship service and its theme. Being willing to look at the problems that affect the world and cause suffering requires courage. To take small steps and proceed one step at a time is an expression of hope, even when confronted by many difficulties.

Come and join us next Saturday, September 14, 2019. There is a nominal registration fee being charged

Further information, you may call Rev. Ruth Phillips at 239-0280 or email at

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