The Barbados Water Authority would like to advise residents of some St. Peter and St. Lucy districts that it has this evening suffered a pump failure at its Ashton Hall Reservoir.
The districts which may be affected by low pressure or outages are located at the higher elevations in that system and may include;-
- The Rock, Mile & a Quarter, Mount Brevitor, Maynards, Rose Hill, Aston Hall and surrounding areas in St. Peter.
- Alleynedale Village, Benthams, Pickering and surrounding areas in St. Lucy.
The Authority is also currently investigating reports of low pressure in some areas within the Shop Hill distribution network. The affected districts may include Dukes, Welches Terrace, Kew Land, Arthur Seat, Redman’s Village in St. Thomas, Prior Park in St. James, Locust Hall in St. George and surrounding areas.

The Authority’s tankers have been dispatched and will assist customers as a temporary measure.
The Barbados Water Authority sincerely apologizes for the inconvenience these issues have caused its valued customers.
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