Bajan money

Third Party Providers Require New Tax Numbers of Clients and Employees

Third Party Providers Require New Tax Numbers of Clients and Employees

Bajan money

The Barbados Revenue Authority is urging all third-party tax information providers to acquire the new Tax Identification Numbers (TINs) of their clients and employees, in order to facilitate the uploading of their relevant third party information on or before in February 28, 2019.

Please note that the new Tax Administration Management Information System (TAMIS) will be used for the 2018 Personal Income Tax filing for individuals in 2019. As such, all taxpayers including employees, self-employed persons, companies and pensioners are required to re-register in TAMIS to receive their new thirteen-digit TIN.

The Authority is therefore encouraging third-party providers to ensure that each of their employees and clients acquire their TIN by completing their TAMIS re-registration and also ensure that their employees and clients pass these TINs onto them.

Third party information providers are any employers who have paid remuneration including salaries or wages and other benefits to their employees; all financial institutions and other agencies who have made payments to resident persons in respect of interest, dividends, royalties, etc., as well as trade unions and registered charities in receipt of subscriptions and donations respectively.
Third party information providers are any employers who have paid remuneration including salaries or wages and other benefits to their employees; all financial institutions and other agencies who have made payments to resident persons in respect of interest, dividends, royalties, etc., as well as trade unions and registered charities in receipt of subscriptions and donations respectively.

Third party information providers also include persons who for the supply of goods or services have made payments to resident independent contractors such as accountants, attorneys, computer programmers, system designers and analysts, air-conditioning and refrigerator technicians, auto mechanics, builders and/or contractors, carpenters, freighters and custom brokers.

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