Solutions Barbados released a video statement expressing its wholehearted support for public servants on the issue articulated by their Union Representatives, the NUPW, where public sector workers have not received a pay increase for 10 years.
Spokesperson on economic affairs for the party, Scott Weatherhead, candidate for Christ Church East Central, highlighted the current impasse between government and the Union executives, stating, “Ministers of Government have seen it fit to reinstate their 10% pay cut while ignoring the Union’s demands for a 23% pay increase or the alternative coping subsidy for public servants“. He opined that the cost of living exasperated by the introduction of the NSRL in particular warrants the pay increase.
According to Weatherhead, a Solutions Barbados administration will unequivocally offer not less than a 23% net increase in disposable income sought by all public servants through the party’s economic plan, bringing immediate relief from economic hardship for all workers. The party’s spokesperson on economic matters went on to explain how his party will accomplish this, “We will do this by phasing in a set of favourable economic measures, starting immediately when we assume office.” The list of measures can be found on YouTube:
Mr Weatherhead further revealed that the cost of government administration will be reduced, closing the gap in the fiscal deficit, and triggering a positive rebound in the economy. He envisions dramatic increases in tax efficiency resulting from the Party’s tax reform policies, and the tax burden being spread more evenly between citizens and corporations. Mr Weatherhead noted this will mean more disposal income for the citizens of Barbados.
Weatherhead encouraged all public servants to resolve their pay dispute, not through strike action, but by finally using their constitutional right in the forthcoming general elections to cast their vote for a party that has put forward significant, workable solutions to increase their spending power and to fix the economy. He stated that that party is Solutions Barbados.
The statement ended with a final appeal to all public servants to make their voices heard by voting for Solutions Barbados which intends to bring meaningful relief from the financial burden citizens of Barbados have had to endure under entities who swap places while holding the economy.
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