Ser Ruel Chad Bowen

Sir Ruel vows to fight Political Censorship – Bajans have the right to differing views!

Sir Ruel vows to fight Political Censorship – Bajans have the right to differing views!

Ser Ruel Chad Bowen

Calypsonian, Chad Sir Ruel Bowen, is at a loss why his two social commentary offerings for Crop Over 2017 — Can’t Get My Vote and Run Fuh Cover — have been banned by the radio stations of the Caribbean Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) and Starcom Network Inc.

Sir Ruel confirmed in an interview with Bajan Vibes that the songs had been pulled from the airwaves by both VOB 92.9 and Q100.7 and he was not treated to the common courtesy of an explanation. After he had submitted Run Fuh Cover, Sir Ruel acknowledged it had received airplay on both stations for a few days before it was removed.

Sir Ruel told Bajan Vibes he believed the move was political since CBC is state-owned and may have a problem with songs that are seen as critical of the Government. He is upset about what he calls the disrespectful behaviour, saying at least he deserved the common courtesy of a call.

Sir Ruel said banning the song was defeating the whole purpose of social commentary. “The purpose of social commentary is to discuss social issues,” he said.
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