The Fresh Milk Art Platform, Barbados, shares a regional open call for Caribbean visual artists to submit digital pieces for consideration to be displayed on our Fresh Milk ArtBoard. In an effort to generate interest in work by contemporary artists and share it with the public, Fresh Milk uses the ArtBoard as a ‘public gallery’, as it is located by a busy road on the outskirts of the active dairy farm that houses our studio. The successful applicant will receive a fee of $1,000.00 BBD ($500 USD) for their work.
Artists must be citizens of the Caribbean
- Artwork must be sent as a digital file (jpg, png, pdf, tif or psd)
- Artwork must be very high resolution, and able to be printed clearly at the size 89” x 89”
- The work, a statement about the proposed work (no more than 350 words) and a bio (no more than 250 words) should be sent to This can also be done via WeTransfer or Dropbox
- Please keep in mind that the Fresh Milk logo and signage for the ArtBoard will be incorporated along the left side of the 89” x 89” design, as seen in previous Fresh Milk ArtBoard editions

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