@Regrann from @bajanreporteronline – Public Lecture, Wednesday, 25 January 2017, 7PM – Queens Park Steel Shed, St. Michael #Barbados has been affected greatly by complications of #diabetes, diabetic wounds and infections which often lead to #amputations. This interactive public lecture will feature multidisciplinary presentations from leaders in the management of diabetes and diabetic foot including guest presenter Dr. Steven Wells, Foot & Ankle Surgeon and his team from the Caribbean Diabetes Initiative, Dr. Selwyn Ferdinand, Consultant Surgeon from the QEH, Mrs. Kevamae Sobers, Diabetes Nurse of the QEH and Dr. Diane Brathwaite, Diabetologist from the Diabetes Centre and a representative from the Barbados Drug Service. Presentations will explore optimal care of the diabetic patient – their diabetes & their feet and the importance of actually understanding diabetes, blood sugar control and how it is related to wounds, #ulcers and infections. Educating persons with diabetes, their families and caregivers are key to the successful management of diabetes and tips and tools will be shared with attendees to better improve their understanding and self-management of the condition and ways to save lives and save limbs. Patient advocate groups, churches and the general public are asked to make a special effort to attend. Visit BajanReporter.com
A photo posted by Ian Douglas Bourne (@airbourne_bds) on
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