FM and Shell Mural Project Flyer converted

Call for artists: Children’s mural project

Call for artists: Children’s mural project

FM and Shell Mural Project Flyer converted

Fresh Milk invites proposals from Barbadian artists for a community mural project in an unconventional space. This project was made possible with the help of Shell Western Supply and Trading Ltd. Fresh Milk and the selected artist will host working sessions with a group of primary school students, facilitating arts education and acting as an inclusive way for the mural to be co-designed, so that the students feel connected to the process and final image.

Design fee to the artist: $1,000.00 BBD

(CLICK FOR BIGGER) All material costs will be covered, as well as an additional fee for the execution of the mural.

How to apply:

To be considered, artists should submit the following via email to

  • A proposal for the mural project (250-500 words) which includes concepts for the mural, how the artist intends to work with the children to co-design the mural, and the medium in which the artist wishes to work (paint, digital design etc.)
  • An up to date curriculum vitae (CV)
  • A portfolio of 5-10 fully captioned images of recent work

Deadline for submissions: February 17, 2017


The mural should be completed during the month of March 2017.

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