Accident with Minor at Prospect
Police are examining an accident with injuries which unfolded yesterday about a quarter to nine along Prospect Main Road St. James. Involved were two motorcars, and a pedestrian who’s a minor.

12 year old pedestrian Cole Ryan Archer Bramao from Prospect St. James complained for pain to both legs, his mother opted to seek private medical attention.
Mykaela Pierreponte complained for pain to her neck, back and right arm, whilst Alexander Baptiste complained for pain to the chest. They were both transported to the QEH by ambulance for medical attention.

The Royal Barbados Police Force are also reviewing an accident with injuries along Seawell Industrial Park Road Christ Church.
Two vehicles were involved in the event which occurred a quarter past one yesterday afternoon.
One was driven by Chioke Holder 21 years of Back Ivy, St. Michael, while the other by Kyle Clarke 26 years of Brittons Hill, St. Michael, who was accompanied by Claire Stoute 43 years of Mangrove Park St. Philip.
Claire Stoute complained for pain head and neck, while Kyle Clarke complained for pain to his right side, neck and lower back. They were both transported to the QEH by ambulance for medical attention.
Chioke Holder complained for pain to both his legs and opted to seek private medical attention.
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