Selman Cannabis plants

Bankrupt Ideas at Cave Hill Campus – MP Wants No Cannabis for Cash Crops

Bankrupt Ideas at Cave Hill Campus – MP Wants No Cannabis for Cash Crops

Selman Cannabis plants

Harvest local foods instead of illegal drugs… St Michael West Central MP, James Paul, made this stern admonition to the University of the West Indies, in the wake of a request from a senior administrator there for the laws to be changed to allow the Cave Hill Campus to grow medicinal marijuana on farmland in St Thomas.

Paul addressed media after a Star Chick rebranding launch at Radisson Aquatica, he stated such a move shows a paucity of ideas at the Cave Hill Campus.
Paul addressed media after a Star Chick rebranding launch at Radisson Aquatica, he stated such a move shows a paucity of ideas at the Cave Hill Campus.

Pro Vice Chancellor at Cave Hill, Professor Alan Cobley, recently told a marijuana symposium that a change in the current legislation would be part of the “supporting environment” to allow research into any medicinal properties of the illegal drug.

(FILE IMAGE) Mr Paul's impassioned reaction is that this is no more than a get rich quick scheme at the cost of Barbadian sanity and their well being, he does not choose to recognise the very successful move in Holland to allow a small are of Amsterdam to use whatever substances they wish.
(FILE IMAGE) Mr Paul’s impassioned reaction is that this is no more than a get rich quick scheme at the cost of Barbadian sanity and their well being, he does not choose to recognise the very successful move in Holland to allow a small are of Amsterdam to use whatever substances they wish.

He claims that if USA was to lead the initiative to legalise ganja, then it would look to squash all competition especially in the Caribbean much like what obtained with bananas grown in Dominica, St Vincent and St Lucia versus Dole and Chiquita industries.

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