The web version of Barbados’ oldest running daily continues to be offline after a mid morning hack on 3rd December.

The front page of the Advocate at that time said in large red letters how it was hacked by the aliases of Cocain Cracker and Shinobi Haxor. These hackers have threatened to do the same with Barbadian Government portals as well…
Subsequent visits to the link now redirect users to a Google reference of Barbados, when one uses Google itself to seek the Barbados Advocate, you can read mentions of other pages on their site as invaded by the internet pseudonyms just mentioned.
Late last year and earlier this year both the Barbados Football Association’s Facebook page and the website of the Royal Barbados Police Force endured similar attacks but were back online in less than 48 hours. The Advocate’s internet presence remains offline up to current relaying of the story.
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