Num Portability 007

Profit increase for Cable & Wireless in Barbados

Profit increase for Cable & Wireless in Barbados

Num Portability 007
Cable & Wireless Communications' semi-annual interim financial results were released today, and their chief executive officer Phil Bentley, speaking during a teleconference from London, indicated Barbadian revenues were US$90 million while profits were US$33 million, up by four per cent.
Cable & Wireless Communications’ semi-annual interim financial results were released today, and their chief executive officer Phil Bentley, speaking during a teleconference from London, indicated Barbadian revenues were US$90 million while profits were US$33 million, up by four per cent.

Bentley said CWC, who is known in most of the region as Flow, invested heavily with Barbados and now they’re seeking to see a gain on the outlay;-

The CEO, who is scheduled to visit Barbados “in a couple weeks” also regretted outages caused as the merged entity’s networks were integrated;-

CWC’s overall half year performance report showed that group revenue was US$1.2 billion, up four per cent, while profits were US$427 million, a four per cent increase.

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