Police made a breakthrough into three murders committed earlier this year. Michael Kenan Blackette, 21 years of Block 2, Flat Rock, St. George, was arrested and formally charged with the following offences:
1. In relation to the death of Charles Ellis, who was shot 5th May at Nelson Street;
2.Blackette was also charged with the death of Kemal Leacock, who was shot on 14 August at Bottom Close in Wildey;
3. and the Shooting death of Ashem Telemaque, who was shot on the 4th August at a Bar at Fordes’ Road, St. Michael;

I. Shooting and wounding of a man at Parkinson Field, Pinelands, St. Michael, on 22 January 2015;
II. Shooting and wounding of a man at Fordes Road, St. Michael, on 4th August 2015 (same incident where Telemaque was shot).
The 21-year-old unemployed man of Flat Rock St George was not required to plead to the five indictable matters and was remanded until November 23 where he is expected to appear in Criminal Court No. 2 before Magistrate Kristie Cuffy-Sargeant.
- David Welch – ASP (Ag);
Public Relations Officer
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