Golf Open 010

Digicel, Virgin team up for BGC Open

Digicel, Virgin team up for BGC Open

Golf Open 010

When the Digicel/Virgin Atlantic Barbados Golf Club Open Championship 2015 comes off on November 7 and 8, approximately 120 golfers are expected to take to the greens at Durants.

The premier event on the club's annual calendar promises to be action packed as many of the island's top golfers will be displaying their skill and patience.
The premier event on the club’s annual calendar promises to be action packed as many of the island’s top golfers will be displaying their skill and patience.

Marketing Manager Krystle Smith said golf in Barbados cannot advance without support and a main underpinning of Digicel’s success is ensuring everyone wins;-

Andre Bello, Virgin Atlantic’s Sales and Marketing Mgr for Barbados & the Eastern Caribbean, hinted there could be an extra prize from Virgin if a Hole In One is struck;-

Details for next weekend’s open were revealed when a media conference was held at the Barbados Golf Club yesterday. Tournament Director and Golf Operations Manager at the club, Dave Barnard, revealed there would be no changes to the format of the tournament and that winners would be decided using a mix of net scoring and stroke tallies.

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