Franklin Leon president of CND gave the keynote address at the event.

Brazilian-owned yet DR brewed, Presidente Beer celebrates 80th anniversary

Brazilian-owned yet DR brewed, Presidente Beer celebrates 80th anniversary

Franklin Leon president of CND gave the keynote address at the event.

Presidente beer, now Brazilian-owned, is celebrating its 80th anniversary. Brewery president Franklin Leon has announced an extensive program of events to celebrate the anniversary. He stated that Presidente Beer was an example of DR initiative and that it would always there with the people for celebrations.

The calendar of events, which opens this month, continues through September 2016. He announced that the 80th anniversary would be opening with an exhibition at the Centro Leon in Santiago, called “Green, I want you cold,” showcasing the 80 years of successes, heritage and tradition of the brand.

During the anniversary year, the beer company will launch themed bottles and cans of beer on the market commemorating key historic moments. They are also bringing back three emblematic bottle stickers of the past 80 years.

Leon says there will be surprises at the usual mega events sponsored by the brand, including carnival, winter baseball, and the Presidente Summer concerts. Leon added that as well as delivering entertainment, the brand also serves to promote tourism, create jobs and stimulate the economy.
Leon says there will be surprises at the usual mega events sponsored by the brand, including carnival, winter baseball, and the Presidente Summer concerts. Leon added that as well as delivering entertainment, the brand also serves to promote tourism, create jobs and stimulate the economy.

The company also announced plans to remodel 80 baseball stadiums by 2017.

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