A leading medical specialist has warned too many Barbadians are avoiding their correct treatments for handling diabetes simply for hatred or fear of trivial events…

He cited how Metformin costs less than Insulin, does not affect Hypoglycemic patients, and according to a recent UK poll proved it successfully reduced Diabetic Complications by 42%; incidents of Cardio-Infarctions (Heart Attacks) by 39% yet since there is a tendency for users to have higher flatulence and/or burping episodes then they decline the solution as the alternative is considered “embarrassing!”

Vice President of the International Diabetes Federation, Anne Belton, came from Vancouver to urge her Barbadian counterparts to take advantage of organisation’s slides and presentations available for free downloading. There 19 modules and 800 slides to display. She underscored her concern by showing Barbados was the most likely to access a presentation on diabetic children, yet the downloads were 7 when compared with other islands of either 2 or 3 uses.

The conference finishes this afternoon with an Interactive Public Lecture on the different areas which diabetes can affect, this is open to all Barbadians, it takes place at the Hilton from 5:30 pm including Dr Kenneth George from the Ministry of Health along with Ms Belton of the IDF.
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