The Annu Institute findings reveal Barbadian women are devalued. Most men value their cars and material possessions more than they do a woman. Men and women are so devalued in this society that the words “dog,” “bitch” or “whore” are commonly used expressions by men and women to refer to each other.
Women have been stripped of their real nature. This denatured state allows them to do pole dancing, enter ass shaking contest and perform public and private sexual acts for money. For as little as fifty dollars. Some woman claims that other women receive large sums of money from men who claim that want to help them out women some way. Basically, monies range from fifty dollars into the thousands of dollars.
The men give money to women help the women their rent, school, medical bills their business etc. These wolves in sheep clothing nine and a half, out of ten times, wind up having sex with the women that they claim they just wanted to help out. Disturbingly, many mothers allow their daughter to have sex with boys and older men for various reasons. Additionally, many mothers have become the best friend of their children as oppose to being a parent. Most parents are not educated in good parenting skills and do not explain to young children the hormonal changes and urges that they may feel. Most parents and adults in general do not have emotional control.

Many women have now become “party mammas” allowing anyone to impregnate them giving birth to children that are raised by grandparents, who pay for the irresponsible actions of their own children.

Furthermore, it was revealed that most women and men are not chaste on their wedding day. Basically, they fornicate or simple put have sex outside of marriage. Surprisingly, 98% of people who go to church either are currently fornicating or has fornicated in the past. Some have a long list of what they call ex-lovers which are sex partners. The act of sex is an act of responsibility. Unfortunately, women give up their virtue and chastity to men without a commitment or proof the men are worthy. Both man and women have forgotten the sacred act of sex even when they are married.
In our society, women have now been turned into “toxic denatured females” and sex objects stripped of their clothes in order to stimulate men and to be considered “sexy” by this world’s standards. As oppose to attracting A MAN from the neck up, she attracts a NAM, or in simple terms a dog, from the neck down. When women sexually attract dogs, the dogs make them bitches and that is reality. Unfortunately, women have made themselves dogs and they are bringing the dog out of men.

These Medias include movies, TV shows, magazines, websites, music and other means of mass communication. Censorship in mass media like the morals of the masses has been eroded. In our society the woman has been deformed into a sexual plaything instead of treating her with the reverence and honour she deserves as a serious co-creator. Most men value women by her sexual attributes and choose them based on what they sit down on, or suppose to give to their babies for milk.
The Institute wants women to become upright and if we are to become an upright nation, women need to come up from a level of being bitches, whores and arm candy and ‘usury’. The Institute’s position is that no amount of money should be able to buy a woman. Material things could never pay the value of a divine woman. For a divine woman is truly priceless.
- Dumb women will be preyed upon, and will produce dumb children.
Therefore, the Institute is asking women to educate themselves in an ancient paradigm of righteous traditions and moral law. The Institute is asking woman to accept their original righteous way of life. The woman must look at herself as a part of the divine, and raise herself up because there will never be a righteous kingdom unless there is a righteous woman. History has shown that where there are no decent women there are no decent men. If we are to become civilized again, both men and women need to respect each other. Let’s start with the woman who is the mother of civilization.

Director of Annu Institute for human development
The Institute would like to see women recognized by expressions of caring joy, etiquette, and having the knowledge that shines bright like a moon reflecting the sunlight of God in their heads. Women and men alike should be aware that the womb is the womb is a sacred passageway that should not be easily accessible. It should be guarded because it is a workshop of God. A woman must be valued by herself and others.
This is taking place shortly after the Annu Institute held its first fruits festival and national community development consultation where the Institute was calling for a spiritual renewal for young women all across our nation. This movie night is one of many that the ANNU Institute will be conducting around Barbados. The Institute is asking all conscious community minded people to get involved in this renewal effort.
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