ICBL’s 2015 Roger Gooding Memorial Trophy, which kicked off on Tuesday 17th February, is co-hosted by the Apes Hill Club with the Barbados Polo Club, there are seven teams taking part, and handicaps of up to 6 goals.

On Thursday 19th, the Apes Hill Polo White foursome gained a victory then, overcoming the Range Rover team by 7-4, with Lion Castle being left out of contention by event debutants Apes Hill Polo Black, which won the match 6-3.

- Apes Hill Polo White
Sir Charles Williams 0
Jamie Dickson 3
Marc Atwell 2
Oliver Williams 1
Total: 6
- Apes Hill Polo Black
Stephen Williams 1
Pablo Crespin 3
Jeff Evelyn 2
Philip Atwell 0
Total: 6
Teddy Williams 3
Danny Atwell 3
Richard Gooding 2
Camilla Williams -2
Total: 6
- Silver Point
Stewart Gill 0
Damian Luke 0
Oliver Taylor 4
Adam Deane 2
Total: 6
- Lion Castle
Alex Cole 1
Rhys Odle 1
Luis Clerice 1
Carlos San Roman 2
Total: 5
- Clifton
Bruce Bayley 1
Cristian Chavez 4
Lucas Nicolao 2
Josh Archer -1
Total: 6
- Range Rover
Phil Tempro 2
Federico Rooney 4
Harry Manning 1
Jason O’Selmo -1
Total: 6
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