There are duirwaighs and gaetwaighs; star clusters shaping portals through the spirals of the Omniverse; and through the star cluster of Caelum came the Taedh, otherworldly invaders from the dark, lonely worlds of Arden into the spiral of Nescada.
They free the Estrya, the monsters of mythstory, the alar elementals, sphere-sized and serpentine composing the very matter by which all existence is held together; the absolute energies of stone, sky, star and sea. They besiege Lasan, the most powerful sphere in the entire spiral, without whom Nescada will surely fall.
From the Jinnland moon Lurei to the island-planet Lasan, goddess Taerah Talavereis must voyage to other spheres and finally to Lasan itself, to join forces with the most powerful beings in the star system, defend the spheres and annihilate the invasion at all costs.
In a world where Governments and Gods must unify as one to prevent the destruction of the realms, against a milieu of interplanetary wars and interpersonal intrigues, Taerah must face great sacrifice to save the world from the Taedh, and the ancient terror hidden and unseen behind their façade.
Along with a colourful cast of characters, she will bring an end to the alien crisis once and for all. Everything that is touched changes as their story sets the universe in motion, forever; their fates forever interwoven in time, in the mythstories and on the screen of space.
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