Grnv Phillips II 0041

What Barbadians need to be aware of when Home Building – BRC’s CONSTRUCTIVE ADVICE from Grenville Phillips II

What Barbadians need to be aware of when Home Building – BRC’s CONSTRUCTIVE ADVICE from Grenville Phillips II

Grnv Phillips II 0041

Grenville Phillips II is a very unassuming writer with huge ideas in more than one area and yet remains humble and perhaps too concerned with what others may feel or think if he dares expresses his brilliant ideas, sadly, like many of his fellow countrymen – he clearly feels Freedom of Expression is only theory and not reality. What Grenville needs to recall is while one twig can snap easily, many branches bound together are not only tougher to break – they can form a club to defend one’s self…

Much like the success of Williams Industries, if it was only one company then it may or may not prosper, but since many variations developed over the course of the years – it has thrived into a variegated giant of many talents.

Grenville's caution was readily apparent when he was the keynote speaker at Two Mile Hill recently, this was when Williams Industries' own branch of BRC held a building expo with a number of allies and subsidiaries and the event was packed to capacity. The success of the event was such that Management decided and told participants another construction seminar in March of 2015!
Grenville’s caution was readily apparent when he was the keynote speaker at Two Mile Hill recently, this was when Williams Industries’ own branch of BRC held a building expo with a number of allies and subsidiaries and the event was packed to capacity. The success of the event was such that Management decided and told participants another construction seminar in March of 2015!

The presentation had a clever title, “Constructive Advice,” and Grenville was not only advocating the use of BRC products but incorporate masons, carpenters and contractors who were certified by his Walbrent College. He noted too many cases of people relating how they approach a man who claims he’s a contractor yet does not use  correct practices when developing a residence.

The engineer told the audience far too often people do not need to spend extra to make their dwelling hurricane-safe or earthquake resistant, the material is often there unused as evidenced by many projects completed with unused material left to rust or rot… Mr Phillips‘ solution is quite simple, if a builder insists on receiving extra funds to do what should have been performed from the outset, then dismiss immediately {CLICK ON FOLLOWING ICON FOR FULL AUDIO, SMARTPHONE OR TABLET USERS PLEASE CLICK ON Grenville Phillips II‘s NAME}

The engineer who’s also a successful online author went on to verify his concerns when he explained his difficulty in getting the attention of the ruling Freundel Stuart regime to acknowledge Grenville‘s ideas on making buildings safer from potential earthquakes like 29th Nov. 2007 {CLICK ON FOLLOWING ICON FOR FULL AUDIO, SMARTPHONE OR TABLET USERS PLEASE CLICK ON Grenville Phillips II‘s NAME}

Mr Phillips also noted how many Caribbean engineers may be unaware they’re using obsolete hurricane and earthquake standards in developing buildings for businesses and residents. He made an impassioned plea for the Barbados National Standards Institute to resume providing copies of the 1992/1993 Building Code which is only $100 BBD and can be understood by home-owners and contractors, whereas the current Building Code can only be comprehended by an Advanced Structural Engineer and costs almost $700 BBD!

In fact, a member of the audience confided in me how even though they're a part of the industry and they can understand the new edition, they were nevertheless concerned how there were so few diagrams to demonstrate recommendations - when they compare similar books from the UK which are crowded with illustrations to make sure everyone understands what's necessary.
In fact, a member of the audience confided in me how even though they’re a part of the industry and they can understand the new edition, they were nevertheless concerned how there were so few diagrams to demonstrate recommendations – when they compare similar books from the UK which are crowded with illustrations to make sure everyone understands what’s necessary.

These videos included in the story are of an important education in and of themselves, they should be watched in full so everyone learns what they should expect when repairing or creating their own castle which should last a long time and not like a snow cone in the road under the noon-day sun!

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