The park was adopted as part of the club’s Adopt-A-Park program and refurbished through efforts by the National Conservation Commission (NCC) and members of the Kiwanis club, led by President Marisa Marshall and Cynthia Blackman, Chairperson of YCPO (Young Children Priority One).

It was unveiled by the Minister and Lieutenant Governor of Division 27 of the Eastern Canada & Caribbean District of Kiwanis International, Dr. Delores Lewis.

In his speech, the St James MP echoed President Marshall’s sentiments, calling on residents to be the wardens of the park and work alongside the club to ensure it is a safe place for local children. A free fun day for the young residents of the area followed the ceremony featuring LIVE music, a segment titled “Let’s Read! Reading is fun” led by local artiste Rebel Glam, free food and drinks and a lucky dip with a free gift for each child in attendance.
Kiwanis Kids Day is celebrated globally on the last Saturday in September. Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to improving the world, one child and one community at a time. To learn more about the work of Kiwanis Club Pride visit their Facebook page.
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