FLOW Staff 012

Flow Customer Service Reps gain valuable insight from HBO-LA’s executives on answering clientele’s needs

Flow Customer Service Reps gain valuable insight from HBO-LA’s executives on answering clientele’s needs

FLOW Staff 012
This lady was very serious, she never stopped writing during the session!
This lady was very serious, she never stopped writing during the session!

In ensuring customers get the best possible value when making best TV choices, Flow furthered their partnership with HBO-LA by inviting two of their key officials to advise staff how to best interact with the public.

The class was held at the First Caribbean suite near the Student Guild at UWI. Frank at the front of the room has a chuckle while explaining some details to eager and attentive Flow employees
The class was held at the First Caribbean suite near the Student Guild at UWI. Frank at the front of the room has a chuckle while explaining some details to eager and attentive Flow employees

Senior Marketing Manager Frank Arcia and colleague Ariana Nulia conducted a series of workshops for busy Flow teams who spared a moment to increase their skills at the University of the West Indies Cave Hill Campus. The staff from Warrens learned many key points when dealing with the public – such as Sony, Warner Brothers and Disney are HBO’s key partners for the wide menu to watch in addition to their own original HBO productions (such as the Normal Heart on May 31st with Mark Ruffalo & Julia Roberts). In making sure viewers have the best possible cinematic experience, all of their programming is relayed in 1080 dpi or High Definition, better known as HD, format (which is closer to the range and speed how the human eye sees objects).

Incentives for workers to absorb the large amount of knowledge in a brief moment - HBO goodies which will be the envy of many a colleague...
Incentives for workers to absorb the large amount of knowledge in a brief moment – HBO goodies which will be the envy of many a colleague…

Frank told Flow staff their advantage is being able to offer landline and broadband in addition to TV services to encourage the public to maximize their communications experience. If viewers are uncertain as to which HBO channels suit their needs or which channels have their preferences, they are invited to pay the website http://hbomax.tv a visit. The website explains in both Spanish and English what a client’s viewing options are and can even narrow down the time and date for a specific programme for DVR or group viewing such as True Blood (June 22nd) or Game Of Thrones (soon concluding its 4th season with 5 and 6 already earmarked for production).

Ariana Nulia and Frank Arcia are accustomed to handing gifts to customers and allies, now they're recipients of these durable tote bags provided by these two happy Flow staff members!
HBO LA’s Ariana Nulia and Frank Arcia are accustomed to handing gifts to customers and allies, now they’re recipients of these durable tote bags provided by these two happy Flow staff members!

The training was not all about crunching numbers or memorizing phrases, staff were encouraged to recall their training by having a chance at exclusive HBO memorabilia of caps, key rings, mugs and notebooks on successfully tackling a series of pop quizzes. Both Frank and Ariana were themselves recipients of gift packs from Flow, as the HBO team readied themselves at the end of the lessons to continue their training journey to St Lucia and Antigua.

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