
Chastanet and Dalson Should Lead by Example – LPM Commentary

Chastanet and Dalson Should Lead by Example – LPM Commentary


The Lucian People’s Movement’s (LPM) caretaker candidate for Soufriere, , has expressed disappointment at the recent confrontation between Harold Dalson and Allen Chastanet at the opening of the new bridge in Soufriere.

In expressing his disapproval at their unruly behaviour, Alphonse stated, "Both Allen Chastanet and the Hon. Dalson should be ashamed of themselves. In an enlightened era where civility should be the order of the day, it is a disservice to the people of Soufriere and Saint Lucia to witness grown men acting like children."
In expressing his disapproval at their unruly behaviour, Alphonse stated, “Both Allen Chastanet and the Hon. Dalson should be ashamed of themselves. In an enlightened era where civility should be the order of the day, it is a disservice to the people of Soufriere and Saint Lucia to witness grown men acting like children.”

Alphonse added, “The Hon. Harold Dalson isn’t without fault and should have conducted himself in a manner befitting the parliamentary representative for Soufriere.”

However, he observed, “Allen Chastanet’s arrogant demeanour and false sense of entitlement is largely to be blamed for the escalation of the conflict.”

The people of Soufriere deserve better, and should not allow politicians like Allen Chastanet and Hon. Harold Dalson to use them for their own selfish political agendas,” Alphonse concluded.

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