City Centre 1

UPDATED – (POLICE COMMENTARY) Second Suicide at City Centre Mall? Bridgetown reeling at Shock!

UPDATED – (POLICE COMMENTARY) Second Suicide at City Centre Mall? Bridgetown reeling at Shock!

City Centre 1

The incident elapsed approximately 10:00 am on Chapel Street when the man fell from one of the upper floors at the City Centre Car Park. Detectives and forensic personnel are on the scene, seeking to determine where he would have fallen from and what would have transpired. Police have witnesses but they’re still making an appeal through media for persons or motorists to come forward – because this area is heavily traversed, so Police request anyone who may have information to help them and call or come to Central Police station.

The deceased male appears to be in his early 40’s, dressed in a light blue shirt dark blue pants with black shoes. He’s of a brown complexion. Police are aware how the photos of the deceased’s exposed face are circulating via Blackberry and Facebook, this is quite insensitive. They want Barbadians to stop showing the man’s face. The officers remind Barbadians how if the situation was reversed – would they want to see their loved one who may have died in tragic circumstances to be shown the same way? The public must desist from the practice.

Await Police Statement - Man now jumped off of City Centre Roof! Death Confirmed
Await Police Statement – Man now jumped off of City Centre Roof! Death Confirmed

The reaction via Facebook and Blackberry has been vociferous since I chose to carry the item, yet this reader summed it up succinctly? “This is a sad situation – hard for family, friends and all who battle with daily issues of depression, pain, confusion and any other debilitating thoughts that lead us to feel as hopeless as this man did. But I will say this at the end of the day this pic may do some good… No matter the situation, do you want to end up on a sidewalk splattered for the world to see? A message to all battling some deep issues and consider this awful end…but at the end of the day (Bajan Reporter) is a journalist and whether we agree or not...we will turn to his fb page to see what’s current and like it or not, as sad as it may be…this is what they do on all news pages and channels…this is a father, friend, uncle and it’s also NEWS!

Nation Publishing chose to simply say? “Police are investigating another apparent suicide. Reports indicate that a man is believed to have jumped from the third floor of the fourth story City Centre Building in Bridgetown.”

People will ask how I feel if it was my relative, let me state when my father died I got a call on my cell and it was 2nd hand news not from the initial person, so it has happened, but he had a heart attack did not commit suicide. Yet I have covered both events – is that a problem? I did not show the victim’s face and I could have done so, since I have a copy where his face is clearly seen…

also show the covered body, and while the Advocate carried it – theirs was pushed into Page 5, but not listed on their website…

” after a woman took a deadly plunge from City Centre car park in Chapel Street, Bridgetown, police were on the scene dealing with a similar situation yesterday morning.

fell to his death just before 10 a.m. It is not clear which floor the 40-year-old former employee of a security firm was on prior to the fall, but police say the contents of a bag left behind on the fifth floor informed them of his identity.

Scores of onlookers gathered around the crime scene tape cordoning off access to City Centre to get a glimpse of the man dressed in a blue T-shirt, blue pants and black shoes. Many concluded that Brennan-Edwards had jumped, and swapped theories about what could have caused him to do it.

It was reminiscent of the scene last September 14, when 24-year-old Angel Taitt jumped from the top level of the car park. She succumbed to multiple injuries at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital about 90 minutes after she jumped.”

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    The signature of UTTER DESPAIR.

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