
Jamaican firm contracted by CARICOM for regional Movement of Skilled Persons Project

Jamaican firm contracted by CARICOM for regional Movement of Skilled Persons Project


Jamaican human resource development firm, Dunn, Pierre, Barnett and Associates (DPB) has been contracted by CARICOM to work with Ministries of Education, National Training Agencies and TVET Councils in the Region, to build capacity towards the implementation of the Caribbean Vocational Qualification (CVQs).

This will facilitate the free movement of skilled workers and artisans throughout the CARICOM region and is aimed at improving the competitiveness of the regional workforce.

Deliverables include building the assessment and certification system of each country and training a cadre of assessors, verifiers and auditors who will help to assure quality in the education and training system.

“This is the first large-scale approach to the training, assessment and certification of the region’s workforce allowing for full and free access to labour, services and markets within the Region by wage and non-wage earners in a variety of professions and occupations,” said Dr. Paulette Dunn-Pierre, Executive Director of DPB.

The outcome of this project will see wider use and acceptance of the CVQ. The award of the CVQ certification means that persons will be certified based on international standards and this will help to create more and better opportunities for the people in the Region to participate and benefit in the CSME.

Dr. Dunn-Pierre said hundreds of instructors, industry personnel and thousands of students will gain personal and professional advancement because of this project.
Dr. Dunn-Pierre said hundreds of instructors, industry personnel and thousands of students will gain personal and professional advancement because of this project.

“The individual countries and the Region stand to benefit as we are looking at close to over 300 TVET instructors and industry personnel who will be trained and certified. They in turn will be able to train and assess not only secondary school leavers, but individuals who are in the workforce, who will be upgraded based on international standards, thereby increasing the competiveness of the region’s labour force” she continued.

Nine countries have been earmarked for this intervention; Antigua, Belize, Dominica, Guyana, Grenada, St. Kitts/Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines and Suriname.

Over the past three years, DPB has done extensive work in the Caribbean with Training Agencies and with Ministries of Education and Labour to shape Human Resource Development Plans and National TVET Strategic Policies and Plans. DPB’s work has helped strengthen skills training and workforce development programmes and frameworks across the region.

The project, which is funded by CIDA through the Caribbean Education for Employment (C-EFE) Programme, began on June 1 and is slated to last for 13 months.

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